Inside, there were +500 playlists consisting of approx. six thousand songs (75% Foreign, 25% Turkish) in addition to 3 live streaming stations. Each playlist was hand-crafted with the pleasure and care of making a mixtape for your loved ones, and each carried a ~90 minute secret formula to leave the listener behind mostly calm and happy. Most playlists were a combination and mixture of local and global songs, gathered to enhance specific emotions. These emotions are categorised as moods/stations, named such as “Home Alone”, “In the Past” etc. Version 1, had a main home theme and many toys within to spend time. Version 2 had less toys but more mood spesific scenes/themes like a beach, a pub and a nostalgic living room scene..because why not? :)
And since every detail of the concept & design goes great with beer, we decided to give the name: BiraFM (Bira = Beer)

